I completed my training in neurodevelopment with Sue Cook, “the child brain whisperer” and award-winning businesswoman. I am 1 of just 6 Brainbuzzz qualified specialists in the country using this ground breaking technique, it is a real privilege to use these skills with my clients - and I am already seeing the benefits ....
You know something’s wrong, but what? You know that your child isn’t interacting with the world or developing how you think they should, but no one seems to know what to do.
Being very clingy and not looking at strangers, Dyslexia, Dyspraxia, Autism, Asperger’s ADHD, Dyscalculia, late bedwetting, and Mutism can all be part of this "something is wrong but I don't know what" issue. Indicators can include;-
- Late crawling/walking
- Late talking
- Not rolling over
- Not being able to sit still
- Glue ear
- Missed developmental stages, such as never crawled or bottomshuffler.
These are early signs that may lead on to other clues as a child ages.
- daydreaming in class
- clumsiness
- poor handwriting
- short attention span/frequently loses place and fatigues easily/rubs eyes during or after short periods of reading
- head is frequently tilted to one side or one shoulder is noticeably higher
- turns or tilts head to see
- squinting or closing or covering of one eye or excessive blinking or squinting
- poor hand-eye coordination
- holds the book or object unusually close
- omits small words
- uses finger to read or loss of place when reading, line to line and word to word
- reverses or transposes numbers, letters, or short words like ‘was’ and ‘saw’.
- the child seems bright, but can’t keep up with the work expected of him.
- only being able to read for short periods of time
- headaches or eyestrain or double vision
- nausea or dizziness/motion sickness
These symptoms are usually the result of visual and balance problems. Children with double vision do not know their vision is abnormal. In fact unless you discover a symptom and tell the child that is not right, they think everyone has the same problems as them. So they won’t tell you.
Opticians often only check for static vision, they don’t check tracking and other problems, so eye problems are ruled out, but it is the very thing they need help with, a unique program for your child can be created through the screening process. We try to make this fun and relaxed and may ask parents / carers to join in with the process to help the child feel more at ease.
But neurodevelopment is not just for children - I see many able adults benefit hugely from the screening and individualised exercise programs. Uncontrollable sulkiness, having to get up for a wee constantly throughout the night, problems with reading, balance and vision can all be linked with neurodevelopment. Scroll through to the end of the page to see how it helped me, and if you want to know more, please get in touch to arrange a free 15 minute chat about how we can work together.
What to expect at your first appointment
At your first session we will screen to see what the neural pathway responses are like. With this information we will establish a set of exercises to help these pathways develop. We will practice these exercises together at the initial session. You will also receive laminated exercise cards to help you remember what you need to do. The initial appointment will take up to 2 hours (an adult or carer needs to be present for children or severe special needs).
I ask you to practice these exercises daily until your next appointment. It can take time for the body to repair and learn new patterns.
Initial appointment
2 hour appointment - This includes laminate exercise cards, there will be a chance to check in weekly via FB messenger or text included in the fee to make sure you are comfortable with the exercises.
Follow up appointments
We will meet after 1 month to review progress and establish if any additional exercises are required to the development plan
1 hour appointment - This includes laminate exercise cards, there will be a chance to check in occasionally via FB messenger or text included in the fee to make sure you are comfortable with the exercises.
Future Follow Up Appointments
As a general rule there are a minimum of 4 appointments. These will be spaced out over the course of the year.
How do I Book?
If there is someone you would like to book an appointment for, be it yourself, a child or someone you care about, please get in touch for a pre-appointment chat and patient questionnaire.
Appointments are held at my private clinic - for severe disability needs private home visits can be arranged, though there is an additional fee for travel.
Distance is a problem for appointments
Whilst it is great to see you in person, where distance is a problem (such as living too far away to travel) then appointments can be held via skype or similar.
This is a for course of 5 sessions (including biofeedback). Your initial session is for two hours, Where we complete a full screening and establish an exercise plan to help you develop your neural pathways.
We will explore how best to make these exercises work, according to your needs.
As part of the follow up process, you will also receive Biofeedback treatment sessions these will help to establish what additional issues need to be worked on along side the exercise plan (for example, specific nutritional needs, food sensitivities, family history predispositions.
The Fee includes four follow up sessions and support.This also applies for distance clients using skype for the session. Please use the contact form to arrange a mutually convenient appointment time.