1 - Eat your rainbow - whilst carbs are comfort - your need your vitamins and minerals - please include plenty of fresh raw fruit and vegetables in your diet
2- echinachea and UK herbs. Herbs such as sage, rosemary and thyme are all anti viral - please include those you like in your menu planning. If you made some elderberry tincture in the autumn, use this.
3- avoid the sugars - they feed the bugs!!!
4 - get plenty of rest - the body repairs whilst it is resting
5 - Take a look at your diet - dairy is mucous producing - if you are having lots of colds, consider if dairy is suiting you.
6 - Keep warm, the sun may take a day out every now and again, but it is still winter. Do not be too quick to shed the winter warmers. Spring chills enjoy this little luxury :0)
7 - Steaming - if you get congested, do consider steaming to loosen the sinuses. Lavender is lovely gentle oil to use.
8 - If you do pick up a bug - you may want to use your first aid remedies, or contact Dawn for a mini consultation, to help you through.