1 – Make a morning drink-a squeeze of fresh lemon and grated fresh ginger. Add a little honey only if needed. Repeat this throughout the day if you need to.
2 – Enjoy adding garlic to your food. Raw garlic is especially potent, but cooked garlic is good too.
3 – Eat your fresh fruit and vegetables. These do not really store well, so buy only what you need. You need to maintain good nutrients. If you are not feeling well, soups and broths are easy to make.
4 – Adding herbs and spices to your meals, such as rosemary, thyme, sage or turmeric for example add natural flavour and also added phytonutrients that all support your immunity.
5 – Ideally, avoid all refined sugar and refined sugary snacks; refined sugar reduces the immune system. We all need our immune systems to be strong and healthy right now. So please, keep off the artificial sweet stuff. This does not mean no sweet flavour. Enjoy apple, banana or other fruits, but keep it moderate. A good diet is all about balance.
6 – Use supplements if you need to, Vitamins C, D and also the mineral zinc are all important. Those recovering from COVID 19 may suffer loss of taste and smell – this is also an indication for zinc deficiency. High amounts of zinc can be found in red meats, shellfish, nuts and seeds.
7 – Get fresh air, this does not mean a day trip out – you can get fresh air by opening your windows wide, inhaling deeply and relaxing. Be sensible how you act with this tip – remember the intention is to keep well – and keep everyone safe respectfully.
8 – Move about, again, you can do this in your own home. Put on some music and dance, make a point of getting up and moving every hour – do not become a slave to technology. Enjoy the gift of movement – it will help your lymphatic system work its magic.
9 – Ring the changes and help your mental health by keeping your mind active with a hobby or craft you can do at home. It also gives you something different to think about, and can actually make it easier to find solutions to problems as we are not actively "thinking". Hobbies can be relaxing, and provide a sense of fulfillment, be it art, craft or learning a new language for example, take it lightly and enjoy something new.
10 – Diffuse essential oils in your home (provided you or your pets are not sensitive to them). I like the unique Vitali-Chi range, Immune Defense AromaFrequency is of particular importance at this time, and is fresh and uplifting. If you are feeling stressed or anxious, then Super Calm AromaFrequency will help, likewise, Positive Attitudes will help you keep brighter spirits. Vitali-Chi have a range of special offers for you – so please do take a look at their website www.vitali-chi.co Products are manufactured on Mersea, and they are excellent quality and natural – quote DAWN at the checkout for 10% off.
There is always more you can do, but these are the the first steps to keeping well.
If you are in need of more assistance, please do get in touch.
If you have not worked with me before, you can arrange your first FREE 15 minute mini-consultation to see how Dawn could facilitate your journey to health and rediscovering who you are, please do get in touch.
01206 735780