We have had to pause the lunch time sessions at the library for a short time (we will be back) to deliver meditation trials to local schools. This is another awesome experience. Delivering our scientific proven methods is providing instant visible results that both the children and the staff are noticing. At today's session the children asked if we could do another session now.... or if not now tomorrow .... next week please...
They can feel it is good for them. Another child, who has experienced meditation before said "that is the best meditation I have ever done".... yet another said "I can not remember my worries now". There was a full house show of hands for feeling better for the session.
We are offering various package options to so that we can offer solutions to schools needs. If you know of a school near you that would like to take up the opportunity of a free meditation trial, please do get in touch. We would love to hear from you.
These are the current proposed times for the next few weeks of meditation
Thursdays 7.30pm to 8.30pm
Mersea ISland School, Barfield Road, West Mersea CO5 8QX
Due to the changes in the venue booking system, we now have to book blocks of sessions. so the next 6 week course will be the following dates :
Thursday 11th Feb MICA Centre
Thursday 18th Feb Mersea Island School
*****NOT 25th Feb
Thursday 3 March Mersea Island School
Thursday 10th March Mersea Island School
Thursday 17th March Mersea Island School
Thursday 24th March Mersea Island School
The following 6 week course is proposed (awaiting confirmation)to be :
Thursday 14th April Mersea Island School
Thursday 21st April Mersea Island School
Thursday 28th April Mersea Island School
Thursday 5th May Mersea Island School
Thursday 12th May Mersea Island School
Thursday 19th May Mersea Island School
The following 6 week course is proposed (awaiting venue confirmation( to be :
Thursday 9th June Mersea Island School
Thursday 16th June Mersea Island School
Thursday 23th June Mersea Island School
Thursday 30th June Mersea Island School
Thursday 7th July Mersea Island School
Thursday 14th July Mersea Island School
Sessions are 8.25 a class payable for the block in advance (so a block of 6 is £49.50).
Your first session is free, and if you join part way through a block, the fee will be prorata.
Please do get in touch for your free trial - and check out the amazing experience of more than meditation - with the added luxury of underfloor heating. I look forward to seeing you.