1 January
How are you feeling? Fresh and bright, or worse for wear from a good night?
I like to get an early(ish) night on New Years eve, and eat and drink quite clean. Not because I am boring (though may be I am), but because I love to get the most out of each day, and I love being able to look back at the end of the day and say..."I did x y and z".
Part of the x, y and z could be spending time with people I love, or walking, or creating a great meal, or sewing, or...... what ever I want it to be, but I like to have a clear head to know what I have done.
Perhaps you would too - but the effects of the night before have not quite cleared as quick as you would have hoped. That is okay, perhaps add develop a homeopathic remedy kit as part of your New Years Resolution (or add to it if you have one.
Please feel free to down load the FREE first aid remedy guide. Pay particular attention to Nux Vom, and if you have some in your kit, you may want to take some. Take a look at the guide, let me know if you need to place an order for some remedies for your kit.
Enjoy building on your journaling today. It seems a little strange that as our nights are now pulling out ever so slightly, we are working on nights that are gradually pulling in. That is how simple the wheel of life works, always turning.
Enjoy noting the weather again today, remember it is August you are working on (and you will be working on it from sunset this evening to sunset on 2nd January).
Let me know how you get on