26th December
Tonight we explore the month of Febrauary and the holy night is from sunset on 26th December to Sunset on 27th December. make a note in your journal of everything that comes up for you, and your hopes and aspirations for Febraury to come. If you prefer to work on lunar cycles, then this is for the 3rd Lunar cycle of the year.
Did you make a note of the weather yesterday? Was it changeable, or was the temperature remarkable at all? Your journal is a space for you to be as brief or as thorough with your thoughts as you wish.
The holy nights are an opportunity for us to slow down, reconnect with our divine rythm. It enables us to pay attention and listen to our heart and inner wise counsel,
What do you hear?
Please do reach out if you need support, and remember, this is for you. Do it your way, there is no right or wrong.
I look forward to seeing you again tomorrow x