4th January
You have travelled a long way since you started your Holy Night Journey. Each day taking time to reflect, and hopefully meditate and journal on your thoughts, feelings, what you would like in life, and what holds you back or needs to be cleared.
Today I am going to ask you to reflect on your exercise plans for the year. What are you planning to do.
It does not have to be a long run, or a yoga or exercise class commitment, it could be as simple as a brisk daily walk, or pulling out some equipment that has been gathering dust. Any exercise you build in will help your mind set and help you focus on you and what you want.
So today, add in some thoughts of some the routes you want to take, or the video content you want to catch up with whilst you exercise, or.... what ever your plan is. Put some thought into making it happen, then it is more likey to "just happen".
As always, make a note of the weather today. Day 12 runs from Sunset on 4th January to Sunset on 5th January. The month of focus is November