2nd January
Have you managed to keep up with the journaling, or have you slipped of the wagon a little,
It matters not, if you have slipped, if you have missed some, just step back on with the journaling. Even if just a couple of short paragraphs to check in with yourself, and maybe a note of the weather for the day. What is important is that you are trying to connect with yourself, and trying to make a plan forward, no matter how simple.
If you have time, now is your chance to really start looking back through your notes, what are you seeing, have you had any aha moments. Are you noting any patterns, are you moving forward, are you clearing any blocks.
It may be you need some support with what you are identifying. Our health and wellbeing is affected by our thoughts, so do not under estimate the power of the time you are spending on yourself right now.
Need some help - reach out. Now is the time to be well and take care of yourself. Now is the time to step forward into your own health and personal power.
What is stopping you.
Remember, todays Holy night runs from sunset tonight to sunset tomorrow (2nd January) and reflects September