I am so blessed to be working with this beautiful team, in addition to running some free Vitali-Chi RELAX sessions for them, I am also volunteering alongside Carers FIRST to set up a free pamper event for unpaid Carers .
The event
I am looking for therapists who would be free to give their time for mini pamper sessions from 11am to 4.45pm on this date. Pamper sessions will be for 30 minutes, with treatments lasting approximately 25 minutes.
In return, Carers First will post their appreciation of your kindness on social media.
Suggested therapies could include-
Indian Head Massage
Hand Massage
but we are open to other pampering therapies too
Can you help?
If you do, please get in touch, we really appreciate your time
Please respond via the contact form
From Myself and the Carers FIRST team - THANK YOU
Useful Information