1st December
Now we are blessed with advents containing chocolate, gifts and more. But do we really need so much materialism?
With this in mind I was drawn to create a series of posts as a gift for you during this special season. Each day a thought, activity or image to help you make the most of this time of year.
Today, I want you to recall the magic of having a story each evening before bed. Maybe one was read to you, maybe you read it yourself.
It is a lovely gift to have short seasonal reads, this book is quite sweet and a nice easy read. A chapter a night for 12 nights ( I have another book with a further 12 stories in later on this month).
Last year, my first title was "The Christmas Store" by Ray Sipherd. It was quite an interesting read, with an excellent twist at the end. This year, My first book is "A Scandinavian Christms: Festive Tales for a Nordic Noel".
What will you choose? I would love to hear your recommendations, please do comment below and share the fun and inspiration.