13th December
Have you thought about spending a few moments every day focusing on the health you have, and giving gratitude to your body for what it is doing right. We all need to hear kind words for our good deeds, and our body is no different.
When you have done that, spend a little time reflecting on what you can do to help your body keep as well as possible.
You may consider diet tweaks, herbs to support your health, or homeopathic remedies to support you when you need it.
Some good remedies to have in your natural first aid kit during the festive season are (highlighted remedies now have a YouTube video link, click the remedy to take you to the video):-
Arg Nit
Great herbs to have in include:
Perhaps also have some epsom salts for the bath and some lavender oil to help you sleep.
If you would like some help, please do get in touch, and if you want to know more about the homeopathic remedies, have you downloaded my free gift to you - my guide to homeopathic first aid. It contains information about 11 of my go to remedies and a quick tool to help you work out which remedy isright for you.
You can download it by signing up to my newsletter, just follow the link here.
In the mean time, take a stock check of what you have and what you need in your kit. The last post date before Christmas is looming.