What we are looking at in the above scenario is your limiting factor... that is what is it that limits you from achieving what you want. Though we would like to blame finances, our partner, our parents or relations, or possibly the job, health or being unable to sell the home (the list is by no means complete)... in reality the answer will be you... there will be something about yourself that is holding on to the pattern that you just cannot see - or perhaps are too afraid to release.
Great - so it is your fault that you are where you are - well not exactly, first lets flip that thought around... it is what it is... we all start somewhere, and it is not always right (growth comes from overcoming obstacles, not from being perfect at everything - so it is good to have a challenge!).
Accept you are where you are - and you are ready to move forward - then it will be easier to create the change that you seek.
Next work out what you want - what you really want - remember, with every change there is growth and that is good.
Now work out how you want to achieve what you want- that bit can be the toughest. It may be you have a good network around you that give good support and help you on your journey - that is great and is the best.... but sometimes ... even with the best support you know deep inside that there is something else that is holding you back. You know that you need some help, but you may not be able to put your finger on what you need.
This is where the tools of my trade come in to play - they are an asset in helping you to work through your blockages, and energetically support you to make the change that you need. There are remedies that may help you over come being emotionally stuck, move on from trauma, help you work through self sabotage and so much more... I am also able to help you find the supplements that will improve your health and wellbeing and align with your goal.
I have supported clients who work from wanting to change careers to helping give up addictions (and anything can be addictive)...from wanting to recover to wanting to be able to reduce medication... there are so many paths that I am blessed to have been part of.
Please do not just take my word for it - here are just a handful of testimonials that I am blessed to have received....if you would like to add yours - I would be thrilled to hear from you of how I have helped your journey.
Here are the Testimonials for Biofeedback and here are the testimonials for Vitali-Chi
I love to use the Vitali-Chi products along side a clients treatment (but only if they are needed!) and a top favourite for helping you to think outside the box and tap into your creative thought to find a solution you are after is Creative Force.
If you would like 10% off your order, then please do use this link (and if it does not work - please do message me and let me know - we want you to have the discount!)
Creative force is a great blend of essential oils and bioresonance frequencies that help you to purify negativity and self-doubt. Enhance creativity by helping to connect to inner power, intuition and Universal Consciousness to enable untapped potential. Inspirational.
Contains: Multiple bioresonance frequencies, Spearmint & Peppermint Essential Oils. 100ml 15.00 full price
If you are ordering several items, then please do use coupon code DAWN at the checkout to give you 5.00 off your order and free post and packing (but you will not get 10% off, as only one offer can be used at a time.
And remember, message me if the link (click the image to go to the product page) or code does not work for any reason so we can fix it