With a passion to help the world be a better place, and the challenges most face with meditating, the concept of Vitali-Chi More Than Meditation was born. We took well proven ancient healing principles, practical life skills and an amazing copper relaxation-circuit and put them together with our beautiful AromaFrequencies. The package is a fantastic experience, where even the most resistant to meditation find they start to relax and those who are well versed with the concept and benefits of meditation find they meditate deeper and more effectively.
Our equipment is Vitali-Chi. This circuit was first developed in its crude state in the 1920’s by Leon Ernest Eeman when he found himself 100% disabled after a plane crash at the end of the First World War. With the medical establishment of the time explaining they could do nothing more to help him, he was determined to find a cure. He worked on the relaxation circuit and went on to cure himself, spending the next 20 years developing his work further. Jill Jesson took this concept further still when she was introduced to it in 2005 and found phenomenal results working with it in her clinic. In 2014 Jill, her husband Allen, and myself set to in the development of a meditation course.
Scientific proof is always helpful when working with technology. So far our method has undergone two scientific tests – one in Germany with photon emissions being measured both before and after the use of Vitali-Chi, the second with Muse (a device that measures brainwave emissions). These proved very pleasing (you can read more about them on our website www.mersea-meditation.com).
We launched our pilot scheme on Mersea Island in 2015 and were overwhelmed by the response. With both mental and physical health improvements from our attendees covering conditions such as insomnia, diabetes, anxiety, depression, back ache, arthritis, memory, freedom from mind chatter and so much more we took the concept wider. We now have Vitali-Chi More Than Meditation Leaders in Essex, Suffolk, Kent, Cambridge, Norfolk and Scotland, with more joining us very soon.
We have taken our classes from Village halls to both schools (primary, secondary and private) and workplaces, hospitals and sports centres. We all deserve to feel well and flourish, and I believe Vitali-Chi More Than Meditation can improve the health and well-being of both yourself and your family. If you would like a FREE trial for yourself, or your company, or you would like to join our growing team of Meditation Leaders with our ground breaking equipment and methods, please do get in touch and mention Dawn Waterhouse for an extra free gift.
We look forward to being part of your well-being journey.